By Administrator on Tuesday, 16 January 2024
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Jain Rituals

Jain rituals play a prominent part in Jainism. A ritual "is a stereotyped sequence of activities involving gestures, words, and objects, performed in a sequestered place, and designed to influence preternatural entities or forces on behalf of the actors' goals and interests." Rituals can take place daily or more often. Different traditions of a community prescribe different rituals. Rituals make the things more formal, traditional and rule-governed. Festivals are either related to life events of Tirthankara or they are performed with intention of purification of soul.

Main ritual can be divided in two parts

Dravya Puja

Dravya puja(known as worshiping with materials) includes Ashtaprakari Puja(means eight worships) which is generally done by giving respect to following eight things in prescribed way. It is also called archna


Material used


For attainment of



Abhisheka of icon of Tirthankara performed by mix of milk, ghee, yogurt, honey and water followed by only water




Sandalwood paste used applied to an icon




Placed on icon

Freedom from passions


Incense stick

Placed in front of an icon in specific manner

Great Fame





Uncooked rice







Liberation (Moksha)

After that sometimes we can also use Chamara (Whisk), Darpana (Mirror) and a Pankho (Hand fan) also for worship.

The following eight types of materials is generally used for puja.

  1. Jala Puja: (Water)

Birth, life, death, and misery describes the Life Ocean which every living being continuously travels through. Water depicts Ocean. If one lives his life with honesty, truthfulness and compassion , it will be easy for him to cross the life ocean and attain Moksha and Liberation.. In Jainism the path of liberation is Samyak Darshan, Samyak Jnan and Samyak Charitra.

  1. Chandan Puja: (Sandal wood)
    Chandan symbolizes Knowledge (Jnan). In order to attain Liberation one should have Right Knowledge which means proper understanding of reality which includes Soul, Karma, and their relationship. Bhakti or Devotion helps in the early stages of one's effort for liberation.
  2. Pushpa Puja: (Flower)
    Flower symbolizes conduct. Fragrance and Beauty symbolizes Flower , which means our conduct should be love and compassion towards all living beings..
  3. Dhup Puja: (Incense)
    Dhup symbolizes ascetic life. Liberation involves burning ourself to provide fragnance to others same like what Dhup do and same like true monks and nuns do and spend their entire life selflessly for the benefit of all living beings. .
  4. Deepak Puja: (Candle)
    The flame of Deepak represents a Pure Consciousness or a Soul without any bondage or a Liberated Soul. In Jainism such a Soul is called Siddha or God. Non violence, Truthfulness, Non stealing, Chastity and Non possession are the five great vows that should be followed by the people. Right faith and knowledge leads to liberation.
  5. Akshat Puja:
    Since Rice is a kind of grain seeds which cannot be grown by seeding the household rice i.e it is non fertile. Therefore, Symbolically it means that rice is the last birth. Through this puja one's life can become the last life and after the end of this life one will be liberated and will not reborn again, if it is done devotedly and dedicatedly.
  6. Naivedya Puja: (Sweet)
    Naivedya symbolizes a tasty food. Healthy food is necessary for existence of living beings but one should not live for to eat a tasty food. For a liberated soul who wants to attain Moksha , this puja will help in reducing or eliminating the attachment to tasty food.
  7. Fal Puja: (Fruit)
    Fruit symbolizes Moksha or Liberation. If one follow ascetic life and live without expectations and attachment to worldly affair then one can achieve Moksha or Liberation and will be able to achieve ultimate achievement of life.

Bhava Puja

Bhava puja(means Psychic worship) is done by ritual called Chaitya Vandana. It includes number of prayers and rituals done in prescibed manner and positions. 

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